Sixty Degrees North on Midrats!
We'll be talking about icebreakers on CDR Salamander's weekly podcast
Today, I’ll be the guest of Sal and Mark on the Midrats Podcast. We’ll spend about an hour talking about all things icebreaker.
You can listen live here at 1pm Eastern Standard Time today (Sunday, 15 December), which is 2000 local here in Finland. If you have specific questions, you can join and ask in the chatroom during the live broadcast.
I’ll link directly to the podcast after it’s all done and uploaded as well.
All the best,
I quite liked one of your icebreaker posts I stumbled across the other day. I’ve been thinking about the whole question of Canada’s (currently risible) ability to maintain sovereignty in the Arctic. Icebreakers are years away, nuke subs even further. But would not underwater drones be a very cost effective way of patrolling the submarine sea lanes in the arctic? It’s a notion I have encountered in SciFi, but we also happen to have some submersible drone technology expertise in Canada already (Google the newt suit). Given the way a $1000 drone can take out a $50 million (or whatever they cost) Abrams tank or a $500,000 missile can sink a billion dollar capital ship, I’d think a forward thinking navy would be big on drones. Anyway, I wanted to ask you about your thoughts on anti submarine drones in the arctic.